Friday 2 November 2012

The NEW Me

assalammualaikum. ya sya tahu. sungguh bersawang la my blog nih. sgt laa da lme x update. of course one of it sbb da msuk u laa. dgn mid n final exam nye. bio n chemistry is killing me baaaaadly inside. hahaha. nway byk jugak la things yg happen around me n the way i react about it that makes me more matured i think -,-. and now all people around me are expecting new things from me, including about having A BOYFRIEND. to be truth, A HUSBAND is better but not in this age, i mean commonlah, 18, 19 to get married?? i'm too young to do all the chores n jobs in taking care of a husband! and having a boyfriend is not going to make it any better. distractions n the fights n 'going out on a date' n sweet moments etc etc. that way is not going to make it a 'HALAL' relationship between us. not until we get married. i believe that Allah will give me the right guy who understand me n accept me for what i am, if i'd given a chance by Him to get through the life of marriage. insyaAllah :)

ok first thing is, next week da msuk sem 2 which is the short sem. n i'm going to learn english. yayyy for almost 1 year i left it, now i'm going to start all over again. kind of scary but challenge it is. i'm going to push it to the limit n yet get exempted so that there will be no more english classes for i don't know......9 hours per week maybe?? heehe n now i'm waiting for my final sem results. scared? of course =.= mom expected me to get good grades n super awesome pointer. hahaha. well insyaAllah. nothing is impossible in this world. i had get through a lot of challenges n agony throughout my journey of life. so nothing is impossible :)

well. nothing to say. anyway there is something to say but not now i think. have a great weekend :) just don't forget to say Alhamdulillah on every single day of ur life. pray for my success n assalammualaikum! 

Saturday 30 June 2012

One Month Experiences :)

assalammualaikum. whoaa. tgk da nak sbulan x update blog. ngeh ngeh. ye laa dah sibok kat u mmg xdela masa la nk bukak laptop update status bagai. hehe. so mcm mana dgn uia. alhamdulillah, smuanya baik2 stakat nih.

msuk2 daftar, bnda yg main2 dlm mind aku, mahallah (kolej kediaman) mna laa yg ak dpt. ntah spe roommates aku. org mna. skolah mna. hahaha. alhamdulillah, ak dpt mahallah yg bley dikatakan 'most-wanted' mahallah, mahallah khadijah. best sgt2. alhamdulillah selesa. roommates ada 3 org yg lain. org grik, perak, org damansara, selangor n org setiawangsa. area kl jehh. sume baik2 n kitorg alhamdulillah sng sgt rapat.

about my course?? hehe alhamdulillah kawan sume peramah2. kwan stu lecture class?? awesome. yg terbaiknyaaa, sume bunga!! xde kumbang maaaaa. hahaha. ad org ckp mcm bosannye la xde laki lnsung. hee ak xde hal dlm bab nih. lgpon uia sgt menekankan students dia utk jga ikhtilat antara kami. so mmg x bole nk over suke hati je klu ada laki. ada org tnya, xnk cari sorg ke kt sana?? hahaha. my answer, klu da jodoh xkn ke mana. klu kt situ jodoh aku, mgkin kmi akan dipertemukan, tp bila?? tuh rahsia Allah :) yg pnting ak kat cni utk matlamat aku, iaitu utk kejar cita2 ak utk jd ap yg aku nak! yeayy gila semangat =='

tu je la kottt. x tau la nk mrepek apa lgi. otak karat2 lg nih. insyaAllah klu ad wktu, update lagi.

salam sayang, aylilurrun :D

Thursday 31 May 2012

i'm 18 and i know it :)

salam people. ya Allah lama btul x update. klu nk update sume bnda mmg x ckup ruang agaknye. hahaha okeyh. first of all, alhamdulillah smalam slamat aku smbut umur ak yg ke-18. alhamdulillah slamat ak hidup n dberi ksempatan kat dunia nih slama 18 tahun dah. dan insyaAllah ahad ni, aku akn dftar dkt uia. cuak x?? semestinya. byk sgt klainan uia nih dgn u yg lain. dgn environment islamic yg sgt kuat and english yg sgt superb, ak agak berbangga gak la bakal jd budak uia :)

so kawan2 yg dah slamat msuk matriks and ad vertain u yg dah dftar tuh, gud luck and all the best! smoga Allah memudahkan prjalanan korg. yg akn masuk weekend nih, hehe samelah kite ehh. bru nk mlangkah msuk alam u. smoga kita tenang dan bersemangat utk berjihad dalam mnuntut ilmu. amin~

sebelum ak akhiri post nih, ak harap sgt someone nih baca. ak doakan the best utk kau. walaupun kau xla rapat pon dgn aku sekarang (sbnrnya..x pon. hikhik), tp insyaAllah hubungan as kawan tuh xkn berakhir ;)

salam perpisahan, insyaAllah klu ad masa lapang ak update lg. mgkin pngalaman dkt uia utk dikongsi. 

love, aylilurrun!

Thursday 10 May 2012

salam people! okeyh why red? hehe. lets talk about the title first. GEORGIAN ? what is that? anyway, before i'd moved to my previous school which is seseri, i was once, got the chance to wear KGV's high school badge. for about 3 years and like (okeyh now i am counting in my mind, haha) 2 months i think. and most of the people don't get it. why i left the school? of course, to get an offer from sbp's when you're in form 4 is one of the hardest thing to be achieved. and that moment when i've got the chance, i said to myself like why not give myself a try? and that is the moment when i have to say goodbye to KGV. do i miss KGV after that? of course lahh. there are soooooo many good and bad memories there. and again, why is my typing is in red? well, before i left the school, the teachers had shuffled our sports houses. it means, all of the students will be in their NEW respective sports houses. and guess what? i'd been chosen to become a SENG LONG member, which is red :) but nahh, i'd only been given the chance to be in that house for just one month! and when i left the school, i heard that they are no longer the number one. hehe. before that, i was in BRADDON house, which is yellow. haha

okeyh, now why is it blue? hehe KGV's official colour is blue (i think!, hehe). okeyh our georgian's t-shirt is blue! hahaha well we georgian always said, that once u are a georgian, u will always be. and yes i am. i'd never forget them. never forget the memories. never forget my friends. never forget the bad things that i've done there (some of it are just painful, huhu) but life goes on. now, i'm going to make myself proud. proud to be a georgian and seserian at the same time :) all the agony that i'd been through at both schools are just making me a stronger person. now. i am going to a new chapter of life. UNIVERSITY life! i'm just hoping that everything is going to be just fine. to all my friends, good luck.

okeyh, just want to share this beautiful song by Ariana Grande. sweet one :)

love, aylilurrun.


Tuesday 8 May 2012

hello U in June :)

salam updates? hmm, guess that i'm going to university in June, insyaAllah. alhamdulillah i finally got the offer from one of the most-wanted university in m'sia :) what u?


actually the course that they offered me is not the one that i aimed anyway. but it's ok. this is one of the most precious gift from Allah and i should be thankful to Him.

so.. starting from today, my God there are so many things that i have to change, buy, list and everything. hopefully, i've made the right decision for myself and family. and again, it will be the 'HELLO BOOKS' phenomenon again. hehehe

tq, for reading this short notice!

Sunday 6 May 2012


salam people! alhamdulillah, aku masih mampu berpijak di atas bumi Allah s.w.t hari ni. esok? insyaAllah klu masih diberi peluang oleh yg Maha Kuasa. hmmm harini merupakan hari yg merunsingkan aku. sangat!! rase mcm time amik result spm dulu pon ade jugak. seram sejuk je badan nih. agak2 knape? haha..esok, tanggal 7 Mei 2012, insyaAllah kputusan UPU akn dikeluarkan. UPU tuhh ape? sng cite, bnda nih bgtau universiti mne ak dpt msuk. kne mngena dgn msa depan lah ni.

sesetengah manusia, termasuk diri ak sndiri kdg2 x boleh terima hakikat hidup yg telah Allah aturkan. kdg2 kita manusia dah ad perancangan sndiri dalam menentukan perancangan msa depan kita. nk jd ape, keje ape, tgl kt mne, bila nk buat nk buat nihh bla bla bla. byk! tp hakikatnya, Allah telah merancang segalanya utk kita. kita sbgi hamba yg kerdil n lemah, hnya mampu memanjatkan doa, mohon yg terbaik drpd-Nya. kita slalu salahkan tkdir bila semuanya x seperti yg dirancang. sesungguhnya, Allah itu telah plan hidup kita sebaik2 aturan. mgkin kita rasa mcm x adil atau x kne dgn ap yg kita hndakkan, tp percayalah. Allah itu Maha Mengetahui segalanya. perancangan-Nya jauh lebih baik dan indah buat kita sebenarnya. oleh itu, apa sahaja anugerah rezeki yg diebri oleh Allah, terimalah dgn hati terbuka. Allah itu akn sntiasa mnemani kita, time susah, time sng. cuma smuanya brgantung pd diri kita, iaitu kekuatan iman kita sndiri. aku nih bukanlah mnusia perfect, malah nk mncapai wanita solehah itu msih blom mampu ak kecapi title tersebut. byk lg yg harus aku kecapi, pelajari, dalami dan sebagainya. insyaAllah, berkat doa org sekeliling, serta kekuatan yg ad pd diri ini, tiada yg mustahil :)

ap yg cuba aku katakan..istilah BROKENHEARTED tuh sbenarnya boleh diubah oleh diri kita sndiri. jgn igt setiap yg Allah beri sekiranya x sma dgn ap yg kita harapkan, itu merupakan satu kekecewaan yg sgt besar. Allah lebih mngetahui segala rahsia di langit dan di bumi. insyaAllah, semuanya akan baik2 sahaja, selagi kita taat pd yg satu, iaitu Allah s.w.t dan sntiasa mohon ptunjuk dan hidayahnya..

love, aylilurrun :) 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

marah dan sayang :)

 kadang2 kita mudah sgt kan marah. dgn sape2 je. kdg2 dgn parents pon kita bole 'ter'marah padahal, bnda2 mcm nih x patut jd. mak n ayah dah byk sgt berkorban utk kita
dan kalau mereka marah dgn kita, bersabarlah. dia SAYANG dgn kita
setiap perkara yg mereka lakukan ada sebab
sbb mereka terlebih dahulu berpeluang merasa bagaimana hidup di dunia nih
perit manis, susah payah
terima kasih mak ayah, i will do my best in life
oleh itu, bg memastikan mereka x kecewa denganku
dan memperbaiki kesalahanku
aku janji
ape pon yang mereka minta drpdku
selagi ianya baik dan x bertentangan dgn agama
aku tunaikan :)